We know finances
can be tricky

We're happy to answer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Financial Offer.

The FINOFR way is the process of consolidating your debt into a personal loan to save thousands of dollars and pay it off in a fraction of the time.

Yes! That’s what is so great about the FINOFR way. You have the ability to make every day purchases through your credit card while avoiding the incredibly high interest rates that come along with that perk.

The pre-qualification is a soft-pull of credit and will not impact your score. When you choose to open the product a hard-pull will happen and might impact your credit score.

FINOFR offers a credit building service to help get your score up. Once you’re done working with FINOFR on your score, you’ll be able to pre-qual again!

Reach out to your financial instituion you signed up with during the finofr process and they will send you a personalized experience to go through to defer your loan payments up to 3 months as you get back on your feet.

Reach out to the financial institution that you signed up with through FINOFR and tell them you would like to reset your loan. The loan must have no late payments and have at least 12 months left on the term.